Wherever people behave, there the man-watcher has something to learn - something about his fellow-men and , ultimately about himself
— Desmond Morris, "Manwatching, a Field Guide to Human Behaviour"

work in progress(May 2024) h48xw60ins acrylic on canvas

Animals are such agreeable friends- they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms
— -George Elliot  Scenes of Clerical Life. 1880, 138.


The animal paintings developed out of a residency that I did in Montcabrier in France. 

Connemara Studies

These paintings developed out of a residency that `I did in Kylemore Abbey in 2018.

Paintings for children

“Painting Ollie” : a picture storybook for children aged 3-6 years

Cover of Painting Ollie published by http://www.choicepublishing.ie


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